Imbolc: Celebrating Spring in February

Have you heard of Imbolc?
Imbolc is the ancient Celtic holiday that celebrates the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox (usually observed on February 1 or 2 - the ancestor of the modern "groundhog's day!").
At Imbolc, the ancient Celts believed that Brigid, Goddess of the Sun, travels through the land waking up the earth from its winter sleep.
The warmth and light of the sun begin to grow, and the days begin to lengthen.
It’s a celebration of the earliest signs of spring - of life returning from the deep dark and cold, brought back by the Lady of Fire herself.
It all sounds lovely, until you look around and remember that in cold northern climates, early February is still very much winter!
I took the photo above just a few weeks before Imbolc, looking out my front door at sunrise. There is so much beauty in the clear, cold air and snow-covered ground... but it certainly does NOT look like spring! Not even close!
So, the paradox of Imbolc is that we celebrate the return of light and warmth that have not yet arrived.
Imbolc means “in the belly” in Gaelic. On February 1, we are still “in the belly” of winter! And yet, deep “in the belly” of the earth, spring is quickening. Somewhere down there are the seeds that were planted last year, which in a few short weeks will bloom into flowers.
We can’t see what is happening with those seeds right now, just like we cannot yet feel the warmth of springtime. But we know something is happening!
The seed that lies in the dark of the earth right now is already preparing to come forth when spring arrives.
It’s as if Mother Earth is pregnant with all the new life and energy of spring. We can’t see it yet… but, sure as the returning of the sun, we know it’s coming.
The sunlight lasts a little longer each day. Brigid’s warmth brightens the sky in the morning just a little earlier.
And just maybe, as we move about in the freezing weather, something - a birdsong, a ray of light through snowy trees - calls us to look around and think: Maybe winter doesn’t last forever!
If nothing else, Imbolc is a moment of rekindling our hope.
The life-giving warmth of spring is not back yet... but it will be! We can already see the signs of its coming.
Many people today feel that humanity has reached a turning point in our history. We are still frozen in so many struggles that feel like the darkest and coldest of winters - patriarchy, racism, abuse of the earth - and their consequences of poverty, war, and suffering. The “winter” of these systems feels like it has gone on forever, and it may seem like there is no hope for change.
But what if we are living through an “Imbolc moment?”
What if, even today, the seeds of change are beginning to stir - deep in the belly of the Goddess, and deep within our hearts?
Like the slow lengthening of daylight in winter, the Divine Feminine is returning to our world.
We feel the fire of Her love rekindling in our bodies and hearts and minds.
We sense the stirring of Her call for our lives, maybe not yet fully formed, but growing.
We know that a better world is possible.
Even now, even before we see it, we know in our deepest being that Her springtime is coming: a time when humanity will return to living in peace and justice, among ourselves and with the whole web of life on Earth.
This is the celebration to which Brigid invites us at Imbolc: hope for springtime in February, and hope for the light and warmth of the Goddess’ love to come quickly back to the Earth.
Truly, the first movements of the Divine Mother's return are already stirring "in the belly" of our world.
So, this Imbolc, I invite you to look around.
What do you notice in nature that gives you hope? Where do you see the signs of change already happening in our world?
What new life is stirring deep within you, waiting and growing until the moment is right to come forth?
May Brigid bless your Imbolc holiday and quicken the return of the Divine Feminine to our world.
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